Colored Eggs

18 Apr

This is the time of the year that all the Easter eggs come out!  Each year we color wayy to many of them and that is the best part.  By the end of the week you are so sick of egg dishes but as of right now I am craving the hard boiled egg! I should make 1 disclaimer – I will only really eat hard boiled eggs, I very much dislike them any other way or most things that have eggs in them, such as french toast.

Colored EggsAnyway, on to the fun part!  Every year we get an explosion of colored tablets that are just dropped into vinegar and water.  This has to be one of the cheapest crafts that you can make and really not a whole lot is wasted since you will be eating the eggs afterwards.  Eggs run about $1.50 a dozen and they are usually on sale around this time of year.  Those color kits are about $2 and the vinegar is about $1.  For less than a footlong from Subway you can create little edible masterpieces.

My favorite thing to do with hard boiled eggs is of course to make deviled eggs.  Every time I make these I just basically dump things together into a bowl and keep tasting it until I think it is delicious.  If you asked me how to make egg salad it would be this same combination of random ingredients except with the egg whites mixed in as well.

Here is the recipe for Nicole’s Deviled Eggs – pick and choose which ingredients you like:

For sweet choose sweet ingredients/Hot and Spicy – Use all the peppers

Hard boiled eggs with the yolks removedDeviled Eggs
Yellow mustard, dijon mustard or honey mustard
Hot sauce or buffalo wing sauce
Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip (if you like it)
Red pepper flakes
Cayenne Pepper
Dill pickle relish, Sweet pickle relish and pickle juice
Vinegar – any kind
Salt and pepper
Cheddar Cheese (more for egg salad)

Add everything in a big bowl and wet it with the vinegar until it is a paste consistency and then put it in a plastic bag, cut the corner off the bag and squeeze it into the empty egg white shells.  You will end up with delicious deviled eggs and they will never be the same twice!

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