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Now that it is snowing

13 Nov

Now that it is snowing there are something that I am starting to worry about and that is getting sick.  Yuck!  It happens every year that someone that I know or my roommates, classmates, colleagues, family and other random people that I come into contact with that are sick or will not wash their hands.  This is terrible because I get sick pretty easily.

nyquilLet me tell you a small story, when I was a freshman I lived in a 23 floored dorm with about 650 people living there as well.  They were old and extremely dirty and even worse my roommate did not have very good hygiene and the worst thing about it was that she did not wash her hands ever (like not even after using the restroom)! I developed Mono and then shortly after I developed a terrible staph infection that eventually went into impetigo and then on top of that I was not eating very healthy and I was getting colds all the time!

This was terrible, I was always having to buy Nyquil and Dayquil, vitamins and antibiotics as well.  The one thing that I did find was that when buying medicines was that whether you buy the brand name or the much cheaper off brand, generic they work the same and after some research on my part I found that there are laws that make sure that the generic and the brand name ones are the same.  This is beneficial for us college students because we are able to get the medicines that we need much cheaper, both from the pharmacy and over the counter.

So as this winter season starts here in the heart of Kentucky, make sure to stock up when there are sales on all the meds that you might need so you are prepared and ready to go when you need them.  Also, be sure to get a decent amount of sleep each night (like that is ever possible) and try to stay as healthy as possible!  Good luck out there!